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Why copper tube


——以下内容来自美国铜业发展协会(the Copper Development Association [CDA] 


Stainless steel may look clean, but deadly bacteria that threaten patient safety can thrive on this material for weeks or even months.


Antimicrobial Copper is the first metallic touch surface registered by the EPA to continuously kill greater than 99.9% of bacteria that cause hospital acquired infections and degrade hygiene in hospitals.


Extensive EPA laboratory testing is required to make public health claims.


Antimicrobial Copper has passed all EPA testing protocols, is registered by the EPA to make public health claims, and is another weapon for Infection Control and Prevention professionals in healthcare environments.


Antimicrobial Copper's efficacy against the 6 registered bacteria is summarized below:

1、耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA) Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) 


Antimicrobial Copper provides supplemental defense against MRSA. Copper is an excellent material for frequently touched surfaces because of its ability to kill MRSA in between regular cleanings.

2、金黄色葡萄球菌 Staphylococcus aureus


Infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus are commonly found in healthcare settings, but are also present in fitness facilities, schools and assisted living facilities.  Antimicrobial Copper kills 99.9% of this bacterium within two hours in between routine cleanings and touches.  The chart below shows the effectiveness of an Antimicrobial Copper surface.

3、大肠杆菌 Escherichia coli O157:H7


Antimicrobial Copper kills 99.9% of E. coli O157:H7 within two hours adding an additional level of protection to good hygienic practices. The chart below demonstrates that Antimicrobial Copper kills E. coli O157:H7 while stainless steel, plastic have virtually no effect after six hours.

4、产气肠杆菌 Enterobacter aerogenes  


The graph below shows Antimicrobial Copper's intrinsic ability to kill this resilient bacterium. Within two hours, more than 99.9% of Enterobacter aerogenes colony forming units is killed on copper and brass, two Antimicrobial Copper alloys, while very little reduction is observed on the stainless steel.

5、铜绿假单胞菌 Pseudomonas aeruginosa


Antimicrobial Copper surfaces effectively kill this pathogen while other surface materials are relatively inert. U.S. EPA tests confirmed that Antimicrobial Copper alloys kill more than 99.9% of Pseudomonas aeruginosa within two hours under 3 test protocols.

6、耐万古霉素粪肠球菌(VRE) Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecalis (VRE)

VRE对多种抗生素具有抗药性,并且很容易通过触摸在整个医疗保健环境中传播。抗菌铜表面在暴露后两小时内杀死超过 99.9%的VRE,从而为这种弹性有机体提供了额外的保护。

VRE is resistant to several antibiotics and is easily spread by touch throughout the healthcare environment.  Antimicrobial Copper surfaces kill greater than 99.9% of VRE within two hours of exposure providing added protection against this resilient organism.


The mechanism by which Antimicrobial Copper kills bacteria is a complex by nature, but the effect is simple.


Science suggests that Antimicrobial Copper kills bacteria with a multifaceted attack.  The questions and answers below summarize active and ongoing research seeking to explain how Antimicrobial Copper is a highly effective touch surface.


How does copper affect bacteria?


Science suggests that copper surfaces affect bacteria in two sequential steps: the first step is a direct interaction between the surface and the bacterial outer membrane, causing the membrane to rupture. The second is related to the holes in the outer membrane, through which the cell loses vital nutrients and water, causing a general weakening of the cell.


How can copper punch holes in a bacterium?


Every cell's outer membrane, including that of a single cell organism like a bacterium, is characterized by a stable electrical micro-current. This is often called "transmembrane potential", and is, literally, a voltage difference between the inside and the outside of a cell. It is strongly suspected that when a bacterium comes in contact with a copper surface, a short circuiting of the current in the cell membrane can occur. This weakens the membrane and creates holes.



Another way to make a hole in a membrane is by localized oxidation or "rusting." This happens when a single copper molecule, or copper ion, is released from the copper surface and hits a building block of the cell membrane (either a protein or a fatty acid). If the "hit" occurs in the presence of oxygen, we speak of "oxidative damage", or "rust." An analogy is rust weakening and making holes in a piece of metal.


After punching holes, how do copper ions further damage the cell?


Now that the cells main defense (its outer envelope) has been breached, there is an unopposed stream of copper ions entering the cell. This puts several vital processes inside the cell in danger. Copper literally overwhelms the inside of the cell and obstructs cell metabolism (i.e., the biochemical reactions needed for life). These reactions are accomplished and catalyzed by enzymes. When excess copper binds to these enzymes, their activity grinds to a halt. The bacterium can no longer "breathe", "eat", "digest" or "create energy."


How can copper's effect be so fast, and affect such a wide range of microorganisms?


Experts explain the speed with which bacteria perish on copper surfaces by the multi-targeted nature of copper's effects. After membrane perforation, copper can inhibit any given enzyme that "stands in its way," and stop the cell from transporting or digesting nutrients, from repairing its damaged membrane, from breathing or multiplying.


It is also thought that this is why such a wide range of microorganisms are susceptible to contact action by copper.



*Laboratory testing shows that, when cleaned regularly, antimicrobial copper surfaces kill greater than 99.9% of the following bacteria within 2 hours of exposure: MRSA, VRE, Staphylococcus aureus, Enterobacter aerogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and E. coli O157:H7. Antimicrobial copper surfaces are a supplement to and not a substitute for standard infection control practices and have been shown to reduce microbial contamination, but do not necessarily prevent cross contamination or infections; users must continue to follow all current infection control practices.


Why Antimicrobial Copper?


Antimicrobial Copper can make the hospital environment more hygienic by killing bacteria on frequently touched surfaces.


When cleaned regularly, Antimicrobial Copper alloys are the only solid metal touch surface materials registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to continuously kill more than 99.9% of bacteria* that cause HAIs within two hours of contact.


Science supporting the EPA registration has proven Antimicrobial Copper to be a highly effective* touch surface materials and has sparked a global campaign advocating the use of these materials to supplement infection control in healthcare facilities, mass transit, educational institutions and beyond.


Three main characteristics make Antimicrobial Copper a highly effective* touch surface material:

1、持续杀死细菌 Continuously kills bacteria

u 事实证明,作为抗菌剂的功效比不锈钢更有效

Efficacy as an antimicrobial is proven far more effective than stainless steel

u 经证明可以持续杀死导致感染的细菌

Proven to continuously kill the bacteria* that cause infections

u EPA注册的唯一固体金属抗菌触控表面

 The only solid metal antimicrobial touch surfaces registered by EPA

2、永不磨损 Never wears out

u 持续和持续的抗菌作用

Continuous and ongoing antimicrobial action

u 即使在反复干湿磨损和再污染后仍然有效

Remains effective even after repeated wet & dry abrasion and re-contamination

u 自然变色不会影响功效

Natural tarnishing does not impair efficacy

3、使用安全 Safe to use

u 对人或环境无害

Not harmful to people or the environment

u 天然抗菌,不添加化学物质

Inherently antimicrobial, no chemicals added

u 完全可回收

Completely recyclable


Copper Applications in HVAC


Contaminated air handling systems can spread odor-causing mold and mildew and hinder system efficiency. Extensive testing has shown Antimicrobial Copper can help.


Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system components operate in warm, dark, humid environments that are ideal breeding grounds for mold and mildew that cause odors and can inhibit system efficiency. Laboratory testing1> on odor-causing mold and mildew has shown that copper materials can inhibit the growth of these organisms. After 24 hours of exposure to copper surfaces, total die off was observed in several common mold species. Aluminum had no effect on any of the fungi. These findings show the advantage over aluminum surfaces because of copper's inherent ability to inhibit the growth of odor-causing mold.

为了支持实验室数据,南卡罗来纳大学构建了一个试点规模的系统,该系统由远程医疗和先进技术研究中心(TATRC)下的国防部(DoD)资助。该计划旨在验证通过在这些系统中使用铜组件来提高HVAC系统性能的概念。实验装置将铜热交换器、滴油盘和其他组件与铝制对应物进行比较。此外,插入热交换器翅片之间的铜和铝试样将定期移除以观察生物膜的生长。数据收集始于2009 年12月。

To support the laboratory data, a pilot-scale system was constructed at the University of South Carolina, funded by the Department of Defense (DoD) under the Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC). This program seeks to validate the concept of improved HVAC system performance through copper component use in these systems. The experimental setup will compare copper heat exchangers, drip pans and other components to their aluminum counterparts. Additionally, copper and aluminum coupons inserted in between heat exchanger fins will be removed periodically to observe biofilm growth. Data collection began in December 2009.


To observe the performance of copper air handling components in actual use conditions, a large scale test is underway in occupied military barracks at Ft. Jackson, South Carolina. Incoming data is evaluating the ability of copper heat exchangers to improve system performance throughout full heating and cooling cycles. For comparison, aluminum heat exchangers were installed in an adjacent barracks building. Additionally, energy consumption data is being collected to evaluate the relative efficiencies of the copper and aluminum systems. Copper heat exchangers are believed to be more efficient due to better heat transfer properties and corrosion resistance. Testing will provide long-term data in actual use conditions.


The US Environmental Protection Agency granted a "Treated Article Exemption" registration for copper alloys in HVAC applications in September of 2010.  This registration allows copper HVAC components to make product protection claims by suppressing the growth of bacteria and molds that reduce system efficiency and cause product deterioration or foul odors.  These claims are supported by EPA registration 82012-7.

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